Saturday, 9 February 2008


Mind if I rent your heart? I need one to fill mine. You see it's been awhile since I last entertain thoughts of getting attached. Somehow I managed to suppress them before. But now, since I have not much work and things to do to act as a distraction, mind if I rent your heart?

Wait. Let me correct that. Mind if I borrow your heart? I suddenly realised that I may not have enough to pay for the rent. If I have to that's more Singaporean-like: get it cheap or free whenever possible.

Now where was I? Oh yes, matters of the heart - a subject that requires no proper introduction. I'm sure all of us have had a fair of this issue. Some might be more detrimental than others. But still, we have had our share. For others who have yet to experience it, wait. It'll come to you. And when it does, you'll be praying for it to stop.

You might ask why the sudden question after being silent for quite a long period of time. It is precisely because of the long period of absence I'm asking this question. You see, I've been thinking and reflecting (which I'm sure all of you do as well) over some things. And during this period, I wish not to be disturbed by unwanted thoughts or distractions. Hence, I chose to remain silent until the time is right. Now, the time is right.

Being an adolescent of 19 years of age - my oh my, how old this sound - my inequistive nature has probed me to ask several questions which will affect how my life would be in time to come. They are mainly questions that has got to do with education, friendships, families, love and fate. With regards to the other aspect that make me who I am, I have silent them. Telling them to rest while I sort my priorities.

Now for the first problem (yes a problem): education. We all know the importance of education. It is a matter not to be taken lightly if one doesn't wish to drown in the torrent of change and advancement. It is a basic survival tool that not only our government but also our parents have been stressing on. Sadly, kids these days undermined the importance of education, choosing fun above everything else. I have never looked at education lightly. I know the peril I'll get into if I do. And as of which I'd like to gain from the best that is to offer out there.

There are many things I wish to learn. I aspire to be multi-disciplinary. But due to the short span of time given I simply cannot learn everything. And I do mean everything. Hence, it's sensible to choose. And I hate to choose. I can hardly make an informed decision everytime. And it's tiring. But still, I have to choose.

So, after doing some homework I had chosen to read Philosophy. Why? I am attracted to the inquisitive nature of the subject. That is not to say that other subjects lack this aspect, they still do but not as much as Philosophy. Perhaps it is due to my quiet puritan desire that drives me to read Philo. Or could it be the interdisciplinary nature of the subject. You see, in philosophy you're required to ask and get answers. And when it comes to asking, you can ask about anything and everything. The catch is that you have to rack your brains but I don't mind. If it's for the better then why not?

Why not read Economics? It too covers many grounds and requires you to think. Plus it'll give you a more secured future. Why go for security when there are risks you can take? Calculated or not, they are still risks aren't they? Isn't that Economics?

Maybe I am being rash. But I am getting bored of conformity. Why sit on something that brings you that far? Don't you want to go further? It's the fundamental human character and desire to go further. I am simply being human. Can I rent your thoughts on this one?

Now for family, nothing much. Other then the usual bantering and bickering, nothing interesting to report. But here's the thing, they are always central in my life. Regardless of the number of time I try to wall myself, I fail. Guess that's how it should be. The primary unit that makes me who and what I am. I social outcast? Don't get me wrong. It's not like I have no friends. I do but I don't seem to be spending ample time with them. I long to know more people but I realise this: I'd rather know a few people and be in close-knitted group then to know many and close to none. I've always thought I prefer the latter. Hahak...Guess taking time off does have its perks.

As for fate...well fuck it. Just suck it up and move on. It's not like you waste anything. Shit happens but Life is fair. Just tell yourself this: Life is fair. It's a good chant. Try it!

Now back to the topic. I have rent my thoughts in which you have paid with your time. Now it's your turn to do it to someone else. Probe someone a question and strike a conversation. It's not that hard.

Thank you for renting. Have a nice day.

Love ya'll

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