Tuesday 24 March 2009

a say in some things

ok. i've got a lot to write actually. and i gotta do this quick as i'm writing in camp (gulps).

one. wth is tobias thinking? like since when are we bffs? haiks.

two. i don't know what to do with my life. it's got lotsa stuffs happening sometimes. other times, none! i find it quite extreme. when can i have balance? like right amount of balance.

and what's this new 'S' Factor show about? here's what i think: slutty, sleazy stupid singaporeans. man. why do these girls put themselves out to be like that one. i'm sure they've got more dignity. i'm begging them to stop. =S

what else...

oh this new book: on secret service of constantinople, the plot to bring down the british empire by peter hopkirk. somehow i cannot but think the middle eastern conflict got something to do with this. the holy war. wilhem's espionage to monopolise the middle eastern area for economic reasons, so as not to appear inferior to the british and russians. and him "converting" to islam to get the muslims's help, and not seem like the christians fighting among themselves. long story. i think reading the book will help explain.

man i didn't know history is this interesting. hahak. should i consider...uhm...hahak.

now that i'm going to ord...i'm not liking it! funny eh. simple: i'll be broke (more accurately, penniless). oh no. .

and yep sarah. talking about history makes do make us more refined! but more importantly, i think we should know what happened in history so we can make sense of what's hapening now. at least we won't be accusing the wrong person and be paisey. =)

ok shit got some more to say..wait got a wee bit of distraction...

crap i forgot. haiks. nevermind then. =)

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