Sunday 9 March 2008


It's not been a good week for me. Not that things aren't good but I'm feeling melancholic. And to a large extent, sorry.

It's remorseful. I love my friend. And I wannabe there for him. But he's not ready to let anything go. It's painful seeing your friend in pain, right? He doesn't need to say or do anything. You're so close to him that even you can feel it. I don't know who else would feel the same. He aint me. I really show what I'm feeling. Although an actor, the time when people know I'm not acting is when I show my true colours and self. It's the time when I don't have to hide or feign anything. It's the time I can be me. It's a thing I develop. Another persona.

This friend of mine hides all. He's been through so much that his facade is really good. He might have talked about it to his other frineds. Or colleagues. Or his brother. But I don't know how much of it he talks to them. And I don't wanna bother also. What I care is how well he is. And from the looks of it, he ain't doing too well.

Friend, if you're reading this, don't feel bad for me. And don't you dare feel sorry that I have to bear this baggage with you. It's not your fault. Don't you dare feel like you're burdening me. We're in this together. I'm with you. For as long as it'll take. And don't you hide anything from me bro. Just don't, okay? Just don't.

We're pratically the same person now. So forget about feeling bad that you dragged me into this. Remember the ridiculous equation we made up? It's not that ridiculous now, is it?

Stop saying sorry. Do you know how frustrating it is? You can try to hide it all from me. But it's written all over you. And you can't hide it. I've seen through you. I saw what you've been through. It's no different now. Please.

Love ya'll

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